Book Myself and Michael Innes: A Memoir Pdf
Title : Myself and Michael Innes: A Memoir
ISBN : 0393025934
Release Date : 1988-11-01
Number of Pages :
Author :
ISBN : 0393025934
Release Date : 1988-11-01
Number of Pages :
Author :
Myself and Michael Innes A Memoir J I M Stewart Myself and Michael Innes A Memoir Hardcover – November 1 1988 by J I M Stewart Author Myself and Michael Innes A Memoir by Stewart Using the pseudonym Michael Innes he wrote about forty crime novels between 1936 and 1986 Inness detective novels are playfully highbrow rich in allusions to English literature and to Renaissance art Sinuous flexible and effortlessly elegant Stewarts prose is refreshingly free of all influence by Strunk White Myself and Michael Innes A memoir J I M Stewart Myself and Michael Innes A memoir Hardcover – 1987 by J I M Stewart Author Myself and Michael Innes A Memoir A retired professor who has taught in Britain Australia Northern Ireland and America James Stewart has written novels and books of literary criticism but is better known as Michael Innes Myself and Michael Innes a memoir Book 1988 WorldCat Sometime in the 1930s Stewart an Oxford academic much in demand in the intellectual world began writing a mystery novel Thus was born his alter ego Michael Inneslongcelebrated writer Read Stewart – Myself and Michael Innes Moving Toyshop Stewart – Myself and Michael Innes 1987 This book is subtitled A Memoir which is certainly a far more suitable description than autobiography Indeed it is short on some basic biographical facts which can more easily be picked up from Wikipedia Stewart was born in 1906 in Edinburgh where he attended the Edinburgh Academy before… 0393025934 Myself and Michael Innes a Memoir by J I M Myself and Michael Innes A Memoir by Stewart J I M and a great selection of related books art and collectibles available now at Myself and Michael Innes a memoir Book 1987 WorldCat Myself and Michael Innes a memoir J I M Stewart Home WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help Search Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library Create lists bibliographies and reviews or Search WorldCat Find items in libraries near you Order of Michael Innes Books Michael Innes became a published author in 1936 with the novel Death at the President’s Lodging aka Seven Suspects The novel introduced readers to Sir John Appleby of the Metropolitan Police His final publication before his death was his memoir entitled Myself and Michael Innes published in 1987